“Captivation from the initial capital letter in Chapter One to the final period. "Spychip Armageddon" is a fictional journey that begs the question, ‘could this be real?’ Ray Perkins has a visual way with words like no other.”— Wayne Warner, Nashville recording artist and author of "Backstage Nashville."
"Now there’s a new series for the millenials to enjoy: The B.T. and Jimmy Adventure Series!"
- Beeb Ashcroft- Owner: Contest Corner
"My 3rd and 4th graders were on the ends of their seats, listening to the adventures of these two Vermont boys. Woven into the adventure were VT history facts and events of our past that were intriguing and fun."
- Amazon Reviewer
"The Mystery of the Brick Kingdom doesn't disappoint!"
- The Barton Chronicle
"Also entertaining for adults, The Mystery of the Brick Kingdom captures the exuberance of youth, and is a great book for an early teen audience. Focusing on heroes, gaining confidence, overcoming adversity, while being clearly non-violent, it would easily meet parental approval."
"Exciting and suspenseful, The Mystery of the Haunted Opera House is a great adventure novel for pre- and early teens. Adults would also enjoy it. Straightforward, easily read, and violence-free, it reminds me of Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries."